Context: Women giving birth always need to be provided by support and care during childbirth, trustful relationships with the health professionals, mainly childbirth nurses. The midwife can promote women feeling of being empowered and subsequently having positive experience and satisfaction during childbirth.
Aim: The study aimed to assess the women's expectations and experiences regarding nursing support during childbirth.
Methods: A descriptive design utilized in carrying out this study. A purposive sample of 400 women recruited in this study that conducted at the antenatal clinic and postnatal room, Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital. The study utilizes three tools: A structured interview questionnaire to assess socio-demographic characteristics of the study sample, the expectations of nursing support during labor and birth, and the childbirth experience questionnaire.
Results:58.3% of the studied sample had negative expectations toward nursing support.62.6% of the studied sample had negative experiences toward childbirth.
Conclusions: The study concluded that more than half of the studied sample had negative expectations toward nursing support. Besides, slightly less than two-thirds of the studied sample had negative experiences toward childbirth. Also, there was a highly significant correlation between the total expectations of the nursing support score of the studied sample and their total childbirth experiences. The study recommended conducting an educational program to childbirth nurses regarding expectant mothers' expectations, wishes, and needs during labor.
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