Effect of Self-Care Guidelines on Low Back Pain among Pregnant Women

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Effect of Self-Care Guidelines on Low Back Pain among Pregnant Women


Self-Care Guidelines, Low Back Pain, Pregnancy.

How to Cite

Effect of Self-Care Guidelines on Low Back Pain among Pregnant Women. (2024). Evidence-Based Nursing Research, 1(3), 10. https://doi.org/10.47104/ebnrojs3.v1i3.72


Background: Gestational low back pain is a significant complaint during gestation being responsible for many negative impacts on the quality of life of pregnant women.
Aim: Evaluate the effect of self-care guidelines on low back pain among pregnant women.
Method: Quasi-experimental (pre/post-test) designed used to achieve the study aim. The study carried out at the outpatient clinic for antenatal care in Kafr ElSheikh University Hospital. Purposive samples composed of 39 pregnant women included in this study. Tools used included a structured interview questionnaire; to assess demographic characteristics of the studied sample, assess the obstetric history of pregnant women, assess pregnant women knowledge regarding low back pain and assess pregnant women reported practices toward relieving low back pain. The second tool was a visual analog scale to assess the degree of low back pain among pregnant woman.
Result: Revealed statistically significant differences between mean scores of pregnant women knowledge, self-reported practices and the mean scores of pain degree among pregnant women pre, post-self-care guidelines implementation.
Conclusion: Application of the self- care guidelines was improving pregnant women knowledge, practices, and was relieving low back pain recommending implementation of self-care guidelines in obstetrics & gynecological departments and antenatal outpatient clinics to relieve low back pain among pregnant woman. Besides, counseling and health education program must be provided to all pregnant woman to increases their knowledge regarding measures of relieving low back pain during pregnancy.

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