Contents: Caring is a concept that is inherently difficult to define. The term caring is expressed in different ways in many cultures. Nurse's caring can impact a person's life processes, wellbeing, and functioning. On the other hand, fatigue is a subjective unpleasant feeling ranging from tiredness to exhaustion that could be physical, mental, or both. It may significantly interfere with functioning and may persist despite periods of rest.
Aim: The present study investigates the relation between fatigue level and nurses' caring behavior in the orthopedic department.
Methods: Research formulates three questions. What is the nurses' level of fatigue in the orthopedic department? What are the nurses' caring behaviors in the orthopedic department? What is the relation between fatigue level and nurses' caring behavior in the orthopedic department? The study utilized a correlational research design. The study conducted in El Hadra Orthopedic and Traumatology University Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt, on all available nurses (50 nurses) who provide direct patient care and work in the previously mentioned setting. Two tools were used for data collection. Structured interview questionnaire; It consists of two parts. The first part was concerned with socio-demographic data, past medical history of psychological problems, and chronic illness. The second part was Fatigue Visual Analog Scale (VAS), a one-dimensional scale, consisting of an unmarked 10 cm line to rate the nurses' level of fatigue. The second tool was the Orthopedic Nurse Caring Behavior Observation Checklist. This tool was used to assess nurses' caring behavior toward orthopedic patients through concealed observation.
Results: It was observed that 60.0% of studied nurses had a severe level of fatigue. The study showed a moderate level of caring behaviors with a mean of 199.92±13.50 for the morning shift nurses and 222.34±14.27 for the nurses in the evening shift. The study evidenced a significant correlation between fatigue level and overall caring behavior.
Conclusion: About two-thirds of the studied nurses had a severe level of fatigue. The overall nurses' caring behaviors dimensions were of a moderate degree. There is a significant positive correlation between fatigue level and the overall nurses' caring behaviors in both morning and evening shifts in the orthopedic department. The study recommended to provide nurses with fatigue countermeasure strategies and to provide the organization with strategies to overcome fatigue. Nurses are recommended to pay more attention to caring behaviors.
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